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For the more adventurous, the Jugend- und Alpenvereinszentrum in Mauthen offers a 28 metre high challenge.

The "Alpine Marterpfahl" is an imposing ice sculpture waiting to be conquered. Underneath the sculpture is an old electricity pylon with a concrete cladding, which is covered with a thick layer of ice every winter. The ice tower is the venue for the Austrian ice climbing championships, but the Alpenverein offers training courses in which even beginners can climb the "Alpine Marterpfahl".


Kärnten - BeherbergungBergsteigerdorf Mauthen


Hotel-Pension Restaurant
Fam. Franz Guggenberger
Mauthen 82
9640 Kötschach-Mauthen
T. +43 4715 444
Warm Cuisine:
Thu - Tu:
17:00 till 21:00
Sun + holiday:
11:30 bis 13:30
17:00 bis 21:00

Wednesday day off